Logger Script 29th CIA English camp - 4011 Dave > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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29th CIA English camp - 4011 Dave

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,528회    댓글: 0

My CIA Camp Experiences

                    I arrived here in the Philippines on the 23rd day of July. 2017. At first I couldn’t imagine going to a foreign place alone. but this time. CIA is no longer a strange place for me because I’ve been here for the second time. On my first day I felt so tired and sleepy. travelling from my place up to here. in Philippines. I have jet lags; so. all I want to do is to take some rest. I joined CIA English Camp because I like CIA and I really love to be here. I gained friends here namely Seong Bin. Daniel and my villa mates. I am so thankful of having them. I considered my friends as my second family here in CIA. They are always at my side to comfort me when I am sad. We shared precious experiences together. We went to Plantation Bay. West Town Lagoon. Water Parks and malls. I love to eat Filipino foods like Jollibee spaghetti. hamburgers. sandwiches. etc. I really have a good time staying here in CIA English Camp. I will never forget all my memorable experiences in this camp. I learned a lot in this camp. Like. to go shopping. how to order foods in fast food restaurants and being responsible to myself. I learned many things like those things which I did not usually do when I am in Korea. I will be happy if given a chance to join CIA English Camp again because this camp is really good.



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