Logger Script 27th CIA Sparta English Camp 6015 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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27th CIA Sparta English Camp 6015

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,795회    댓글: 0

“My CIA Experiences”

                      I arrived in the Philippines last July 16. 2016. I felt tired that time because I had a jetlag. I joined CIA English Camp because I will study English. And I want to learn more in English especially Grammar and I also want to study on how to speak fluently using English language. My first friend in CIA English Camp is Frank. because Frank is same as me. We’ve been here in CIA Camp last 26th winter camp. My memorable experiences in CIA are when we had activities like water sports and SM mall mission. Water sports are very exciting and fun. We rode banana boat and Jet Ski. I really enjoyed it. SM mall mission is challenging because we will go shopping with a specific given time. So. we really need to be fast in choosing and buying our snacks and things that we liked. SM mall is also very big. I’ve learned a lot of things in CIA like knowing new vocabulary and also speaking English everyday or every now and then. Yes! I really like to join again the camp because it’s very fun here. And I can learn a lot of things. The teachers taught me very well and I love all the activities. Thank you CIA English Camp.



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