Logger Script 27th CIA Sparta English Camp 6007 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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27th CIA Sparta English Camp 6007

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,603회    댓글: 0



I arrived last July 16. 2016 at exactly 9 o’clock in the evening. At first. I feel nervous because I’m worried if I would have a friend or not. But. I actually have my younger brother here. so it won’t be that difficult for me to have someone to talk to. He is also studyng here in CIA camp. Because of this. I didn’t really felt that sad. Though my parents are not here by my side. I always think about them and think that they are just with me and my little brother. There is only one purpose why I am here and it is just to learn English.

Aside from my youger brother. my first friend in CIA Camp is Steve. I will never ever forget water sports because it is very fun and at the same time very challenging. I learned how to speak English. basic drills in swimming and badminton. I also learned some rules in grammar which are very important in speaking. I want to study here again because CIA Camp has a play time. sports time and study time for English. Lastly. I love Wednesdays and Saturdays because we have indoor and outdoor activities.



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