Logger Script 27th CIA Sparta English Camp 5009 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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27th CIA Sparta English Camp 5009

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,558회    댓글: 0

My CIA Experience


Last July 16. 2016 I arrived here in the Philippines. I felt very tired. I arrived here in a very late time. I joined in this CIA English Camp in order to gain more knowledge about English and to gain more experiences in my life. The first person that I met here and considered as my first friend here in CIA was Ahn Hoin. For almost one and half months of staying here in CIA. I have a lot of experiences that I’ll never forget. First. when we were having our Mall Shopping every Wednesday; second. when we were riding a Zip line during our Papakits adventure; and lastly. when we were having our Island Hopping. We had so much fun and I think many students liked it. too because we did a lot of stuff. English Camp helps me broaden my knowledge about English. And I learned some English words which are new to me. I want to join again in CIA English Camp because it’s very funny and I learned many things especially in English.



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