Logger Script 27th CIA Sparta English Camp 4020 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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27th CIA Sparta English Camp 4020

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,479회    댓글: 0

My CIA Experience

I arrived in the Philippines last July 23. 2016. In my first day in CIA. I feel fantastic and happy because I have met very kind and special teachers. I join CIA Camp because my mother told me to join. My friends in CIA Camp are David. Mark and Stephan. They are very nice and kind. We are in the same age. My memorable experiences in CIA Camp were when I met my friends and my teachers. I learned a lot of things about English and sharing with my friends. I want to join CIA Camp again because I can play with my friends and study with great and special teachers.



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