Logger Script 27th CIA Sparta English Camp 4012 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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27th CIA Sparta English Camp 4012

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,434회    댓글: 0



I arrived in the Philippines on June 19. 2016. I arrived in CIA camp on July 17. 2016. When I first arrive here in CIA. I was very nervous and worried about the life in here. I joined CIA English camp to enhance my English skills. I made some friends in CIA. To name some friends. Sumin (Lee Sumin). Jennifer. Lisa (Jennifer’s sister). Sumin (You Sumin). Emily. Subin. Lina. Lisa. and Minkyung were the friends I made in CIA. I think I’m going to miss them a lot when I leave here. If you ask me to choose the most memorable experience I have made. I will choose home visit activity. For me. home visit was the most impressive activity among those activities we’ve ever gone. Home Visit was memorable experience because we can’t try that by ourselves. Also. it can give me chance to know how local Filipinos. I think I can’t forget that activity forever. In CIA English Camp. I have learned many things. First. because this is English Camp. I learned many things about English. and I enhanced my writing skills from writing diary everyday. Second. I learned how to interact with many students or friends. From that. I made many friends. Those things are things I’ve learned in CIA. Even though I learned a lot and made many good experiences. I don’t want to join this camp again. There are some reasons why I don’t want to join CIA again. First reason is that I really miss my friends and my family. Second reason is because I think I have to concentrate on my school work. Because when I go back to Shanghai. I will be year 9 which is grade 8 and next following year. I will be year 10 which is time to prepare IGCSE exam. Third. I think I don’t need to do same experiences again with paying a lot of money. That’s why I don’t want to join CIA English camp again. Anyway. I will miss teachers and friends in CIA when I go back to my place. 



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