Logger Script 25th CIA Sparta English Camp 5009 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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25th CIA Sparta English Camp 5009

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,300회    댓글: 0

Korean Name: Jun Sun                          I.D Number: 5009

English Name: Jay              




           I arrived here in the Philippines last July. 2015 Saturday evening. In my first day. I felt nervous and scared because the Korean staffs were so strict but eventually they were so good. I joined CIA English camp because of my mom. She wanted me to study here in CIA English camp and learn how to speak English well.

           My friends here in CIA were Henry. Kai. Daniel. Harry. and Ethan. They were so friendly. nice and kind to me. My memorable experiences here in CIA is when we study our books together with my friends. enjoying our free day by doing fun activities. visiting to different places and eating delicious foods.


           Here in CIA English camp. I learned so many things like writing a sentence. answering my LASS. WAGS. GRAMMAR. VOCA. and MATH subjects and writing my speech also. I want to join CIA English camp again because I want to learn English more and hopefully next time; I can see all my teachers here again.



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