Logger Script 25th CIA Sparta English Camp 5002 > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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25th CIA Sparta English Camp 5002

작성자: CIA영어캠프님    작성일시: 작성일2017-08-30 09:41:27    조회: 2,380회    댓글: 0

Korean Name: Kim Seon Joong        I.DNumber:5002               

English Name: John





           I arrived here in Philippines last July 19. 2015 and it was Sunday. I felt good and exited on my first day here in CIA English camp. The reason why I joined CIA English camp is to learn more English and to enhance my vocabulary skill about English. My first friends here in CIA were many. They were Kevin. Lucas. and Peter. They were so good and fun when we first meet. My memorable experiences in CIA camp are those times we went to SM and we ate our lunch in Mc Donald with my fellow student. Plantation experience is memorable too. We did a lot of fun activities there. I learned a lot in CIA. I learned how to speak English. I learned how to mingle with other people. I learned different sports and I like it. I like to join CIA English camp again because its fun.


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