Logger Script 32th CIA English camp- K4003 LEE CHAE WON > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp- K4003 LEE CHAE WON [1]

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 17:02:46    조회: 2,071회    댓글: 1


I arrived in the Philippines last January 5,2019 at 6:30am. I departed Incheon Airport at 2pm. I met the CIA Korean Staff. I felt very sleepy when I arrived at CIA. I also felt happy because I am here in Philippines. The feeling of excitements is there also because I am going to meet new friends. The environment was clean and green it was surrounded with many trees and flowers. I join CIA English Camp because I want to learn English more. English is very important in communicating other people. My mom said that I need to study and know English well so that if we are going to travel other places my family will be comfortable because I can communicate using English to others. My first friends are Damin, Angelina, Ann, Dana and Ashley. We are in the same villa. We ate together too. During night time I talked with my friends. My memorable experiences here in CIA Camp was when we visited the Plantation Bay I went swimming and enjoy the slides with my friends. The food is delicious especially Philippines traditional food like the lechon. I ate the pig skin it’s very delicious. I also went to the beach and enjoy the view together with my friends. I experienced the zip line and it’s very scary but exciting. The things I learned in CIA Camp was to learned English well and how important English. I learned to value and manage my time. I also learned discipline in CIA English Camp when the orphan children visited I learned how life is important. How friends and family important. I will join CIA English Camp again because the camp is very interesting. The Korean and Filipino Staff are kind and funny. CIA English Camp is good in learning the English. The activities are very exciting and interesting. Manager Roy is very kind and Tae Hon is very handsome.



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