Logger Script 31th CIA English camp -K5005 LEE SEUNG YONG > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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31th CIA English camp -K5005 LEE SEUNG YONG [1]

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2018-09-11 14:36:40    조회: 2,820회    댓글: 1


Hello! My name is Jake. I arrived here in the Philippines last July 21, 2018.I really wanted to go to an English camp so I told my family and they agreed. That's why I am here in CIA, but on my first day in CIA I felt tired because of jet lag. My first friends here were Andrew, Shawn, Sang Yun and another guy who has the same name like mine, Jake. My most memorable experience here in CIA was when we went to SM. I learned a lot here in CIA especially the way they check their works. In Korea, is right/correct and is wrong/mistake but in the Philippines they're contrary or opposite. Because in Philippines is right/check and is wrong/mistake. I like here in CIA but I don't want to come back here again because I want to be with my family.



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