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32th CIA English camp K4030 YOU JAE WOOK

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 19:29:59    조회: 1,678회    댓글: 0



I arrived in the Philippines on January 6, 2019. I was very happy. It was very warm. I arrived together with Dandy. I was very lucky. I was very happy. I think that it is tiring. But I also think that it was fun too. But it is so good. I’m very happy now. I wanted to speak English well. And my mom said that I need to go to the CIA Camp. I said I’m not bad. I will go so that is why I am here. My first friend is Toby. It is because I came here together with him. We are in the same villa. Toby is very good friend. He is very kind to me. My memorable experiences are only two. First, I said “Marry me” to a girl. She is very ugly and bad. Second, I met new friends. My friends are very good. I learned English. Studying English here is so good. We speak only English when we gather together. I’ve known a lot of friends. It’s so good. I want to come here again. Going to CIA Camp is very hard but it is very fun and happy too. And I wanted to have more friends. It’s so good. I want to come here again.




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