Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4029 JANG MIN JUN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4029 JANG MIN JUN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 19:26:52    조회: 1,823회    댓글: 0


It is my first time here in the Philippines. And when I arrived here, I didn’t expect the weather because the weather here was so hot. But at the same time I’m so excited. By the way, I arrived here January 5,2019. First day here in CIA, I felt so lonely because I’m way too far with my family. Leaving my family for how many weeks was really hard. But on the other hand, I feel so happy and excited. Meeting new people is a big challenge for me. I knew CIA camp because of my teacher. She introduced it for me. I want to join this camp it is because I want to enhance my skills on how to speak English. I also want to join CIA because i want that my parents would be proud of me. My first friend here in CIA was Dennis. I first met him in Inchon Airport. We talk a lot of things in our villa and we also have the same schedule. I was comfortable talking with him because he is a good person. Lately, I met Jimmy, John, Jake, Ann, Angelina and Emma. At First I was alone but after how many days I met my new friends. They were so funny and approachable. That is why I won’t forget them. I won’t forget the things that happened here in CIA especially shopping and activities. I experienced Zip lining, Ice skating, bowling and riding a banana boat. After meeting the people in CIA, I’ve learned a lot. I’ve learned how to manage my time, how to deal with different kinds of people and how to be strong. Being alone without my family was a big challenge for me. After studying CIA CAMP I’ve enhanced my skills on how to speak English. I want to join CIA English Camp again. Because this kind of camp was good and it gave me good impression. I’ve enjoyed a lot. Thank you CIA English Camp!




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