Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4028 LEE DONG WOOK > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4028 LEE DONG WOOK

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 19:10:05    조회: 1,535회    댓글: 0


I left in Korea January 4, I was going to the Philippines with an airplane. When I arrived in Philippines, I was scared and worried, when I arrived in the villa. I'm very thankful to my villa friends. In my first day in CIA I feel good because this is my 3rd time in CIA camp. I'm scared sometimes because my family is far from me. I have many friends in CIA. I like to learned more that's why I want to come again in the next camp. I'm very thankful to my villa friends. This is my 3rd time to joined CIA camp. I like CIA camp because is very fun and they have many activities. I learned a lots with my teacher's. I want to improved my English grammar that's why I joined this camp to speak English. English is very fun. My favorites friend's in CIA is Jimmy, John, Angelina, Raphael, Ann, Dana, Emma, Dan. They are good friends of mine. Jimmy is my close friend here because he is very kind and smart. I like him so much because his personality is good.  My memorable experience is rolling paper & shopping because it's very fun. One of the memorable experience is in the Plantation Bay because it is very beautiful waterpark. I'm very enjoyed in banana boat and jet ski I love to ride them because it’s very cool and exciting. I like Sm Seaside because it's the biggest shopping mall. So I can remember. During I stayed in CIA I learned many things in English language. I learned about grammar. It was very excited and fun to study English even it is hard for me. I've also learn how to write sentences with past participle in my grammar class. I did learn many things from my M2M teacher's. Aside from the things that I've learned our lesson. I like to joined again in CIA camp because it's very fun. I want 3rd time in CIA camp I want to come back again here. I did learn and enjoy in CIA English camp. And its very nice experience. We spend a lot of time studying here. During my vacation I wanted to relax and enjoy.



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