Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4027 HA SEUNG MIN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4027 HA SEUNG MIN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 19:08:21    조회: 1,565회    댓글: 0


The reason why I am here is to join CIA English camp. I must say thank you to my loving parents for making me part of CIA English camp. This is my first time to be here in Philippines. My learning English here is amazing, I learned a lot of lesson and it makes me improved my English skills. The people here are very kind and friendly. My most memorable experience I had here that we went to the plantation bay and SM mall. Plantation bay is a very nice place it has a big swimming pool and nice view around the area. I and my friends swam the pool; it was very fun. I was having a great time there with my friends, it was one of my best memories I had experience in this camp. I also had a happiest moment when we went to SM mall, it is very big mall lot of things to buy and we ate a very delicious food in the restaurant I was very happy during this moment. I bought stuff and ate a lot of food. I am glad that I able to experience the best moment of my life, I will treasure this and cherish the things I learned here. I also learned a lot of things here especially in my English class. Thank you to all my teachers who taught me to speak English in a better way. I want to come back here again if I have a chance because I enjoyed here a lot.



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