Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4023 WON NA KYEONG > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4023 WON NA KYEONG

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 18:54:09    조회: 1,698회    댓글: 0


I arrived from Korea on January 5,2019 at 10 am and I departed here on January 6,2019 at 2 am. My mom helped me as prepared my things. I was very sad because I am alone my family and I will not be together for 1 month. I missed my family and I felt shy and scared. Because I am alone and I didn't recognize the other students yet. But I felt comfortable on my third day because I have a new circle of friends. They were very kind and friendly I enjoyed talking and playing with them. I was so happy when I met them. I joined CIA English camp because I want to learned more about English. And I knew that CIA English camp helped me to improved myself to become a better one. I am so happy because I learned a lot here. English CIA camp activities makes me happy and fun. Because all of the activities were interesting and exciting. My first friends here were Amy and Jenny. I met Amy in airplane and I met Jenny here in CIA. I so happy that I met them because they were very kind. I felt happy when we have our vacant because we can play together. And now they were my best friends. There's a lot activity here in CIA camp that I really enjoyed. The memorable experiences that I've ever had were banana boat, skating and shopping. I really enjoyed it that's why I remember it well. I learned a lot here, In CIA camp I learned to be an independent person because I don't have my family here only I have here been my friends. I learned to woke up too early in the morning. And I learned English well and a little Philippine language too. I am alone here I don't have my family here. I want that me and my family were together. Because I felt happy if every week end me, my mom, my dad and my sister will have a bonding together.




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