Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4021 JHO HYUNJUN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4021 JHO HYUNJUN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 18:45:44    조회: 1,534회    댓글: 0


I arrived in the Philippines on January 05,2019. Honestly, I have regret because speech writing is waiting for me. But after 3 weeks stay in the Philippines I already finished it and I was very happy. I told myself that I should not feel anxious. Few days from now, I will be going back to Korea. And I'm so excited. During my first day in CIA I had regret because I will be here for 4 weeks. I need to survive it together with my friends. I had regretted staying here because class time is an hour and 20 minutes and free time is only 10 minutes. During nighttime I need to write diary and practice my speech. Those are the reasons why I had many regrets. The number one reason why I join CIA English Camp is can lose weight. Honestly, in CIA English Camp I won't be lazy. There were no assignments also and the activities here are very fun. I enjoy every activity that we had here in CIA. And lastly, I can buy many snacks. I have lots of friends here in CIA Camp, I was able to meet my best friend again. Dennis, was my best friend during my stay in CIA last year. I have also had a new friend John; he is my villa mate. My friends are very funny especially John; they always make me laugh. My friends in CIA Camp made my stay worthwhile. My memorable experience in CIA Camp is our shopping activity. During shopping time, I can buy many snacks. When my parents went here in the Philippines we also went shopping. Aside from shopping, riding the banana boat was also memorable when I fell down into the water it was very fun. And I was also able.to ride the jet ski. I will be forever grateful to my experiences here in CIA. I did learn many things throughout my stay in CIA English Camp. I've learn new vocabulary words in my VOCA class. I've also learn how to write sentences in Present Perfect Tense on my Grammar Class. I did learn many things from my M2M teachers. Aside from those, I've also learn some Philippine words. Honestly, I don't know if I still join CIA Camp again. If there is no speech, no morning stretching and if there is more free time there is a possibility that I will still come back. I think that there is no need to have Native class in CIA because he doesn't do class he always tells stories about his life. I did learn and enjoy in CIA English Camp. And it is a very nice experience.



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