Logger Script 32th CIA English camp K4017 LEE SANG YUN > 학생후기 | CIA English Camp
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32th CIA English camp K4017 LEE SANG YUN

작성자: CIACAMP님    작성일시: 작성일2019-02-20 18:31:17    조회: 1,682회    댓글: 0



I came here in the Philippines on January 6, 2019. It took five hours to travel here from Korea. We came here at eleven o'clock in the evening. I feel excited because I will see CIA again. I was also happy because there would be another experiences and adventures to be made. I would see old and new teachers in the camp again. I love CIA because I want to learn English. My parents told me that I need to learn it. It is helpful for me to especially to my future. I want adventure here in the Philippines because it's wonderful. James is my first friend here in this camp. He is very talkative and friendly. I want him to be my friend. We had many memorable experiences. We played table tennis inside the camp. We had gone to SM Cebu. We've watched movie there. We also went to JMall and Waterpark. During free time, we had a lots of activities inside the camp. I. Learn Filipino cultures. I learn to speak more in English language. I learn to communicate to other people. I learn new words. I also learn rules here in CIA. If my parents allow me, then I will come here. I want to learn more about English. I want to have more friends. And I want to play table tennis again here.



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